Isabgol or psyllium husk is a whitish husk that has both soluble and insoluble fibres, making it a great remedy for constipation. Psyllium husk when eaten expands in the stomach and helps push its contents out of the body. Another great effect isabgol is that it has a very sticky texture when it comes in contact with water. Moreover, it can absorb moisture from the surrounding areas, helping to effectively moisten hardened stools and relieve constipation. Want some more home remedies to treat constipation? .
Tip: For relief from constipation, mix two spoons of isabgol in a glass of warm milk and drink it just before you go to bed.
No more diarrhea
A home remedy that can relieve both constipation and diarrhea? Sounds unbelievable right? Well, isabgol can help with this problem as well. When consumed with curd, isabgol is an effective remedy in relieving the symptoms of loose stools and an upset stomach. The curd gives your stomach the right amount of probiotics to heal the infection and isabgol helps harden runny stools – remedying diarrhea in a jiffy. .
Tip: For relief from diarrhea, mix two spoons of isabgol in three spoons of fresh curd and eat this mixture right after a meal. Make sure you eat it about two times a day for effective results.
Your best friend in the battle against bulge
Isabgol is a great tool to help with your weight loss goals as well. It helps make you feel full for a longer time and curbs your craving for fatty foods. Apart from that, isabgol is also known as a great colon cleanser. It helps clean out all the waste products within the stomach, making your digestion more effective and keeps you healthy. Moreover, according to Ayurveda, it also helps clear out the ama (toxic waste products often lining the walls of the stomach) which also helps keep other digestive disorders at bay..
Tip: Mix isabgol in warm water with lemon and drink the mixture right before your meal. You could also have it first thing in the morning to help with weight loss as well.
Gives a boost to the digestive process
Packed with both soluble and insoluble fibres, isabgol is perfect to keep your digestion in proper working condition. It not only promotes the proper cleansing of the stomach contents, but also enhances peristaltic movement (contraction of the stomach to help in the movement of food through the intestines) and bowel mobility. .
Tip: Give your digestion a boost by drinking a glass of isabgol water on a regular basis. Alternatively, you could have it with chaas or buttermilk after your meal. A word of caution – make sure you drink it as soon as you add the isabgol since the husk tends to swell and solidify.
Your key to a healthy heart and controlled cholesterol levels
The fibre present in isabgol is great to reduce your cholesterol levels and in turn protect your heart. What makes it so special is that it is high in fibre and low in fat – exactly what the doctor ordered when it comes to keeping heart disease a bay. It works by forming a thin layer along your intestinal walls and prevents the absorption of cholesterol from the foods you eat – effectively reducing the serum cholesterol levels in your blood. This also helps eliminate any excessive cholesterol that could later end up blocking the arteries of your heart – protecting you from heart disease and coronary artery disease. .
Tip: To keep your heart healthy, make it a point to eat isabgol every day either right after your meals or first thing in the morning.
An easy way to keep diabetes at bay
Isabgol is also great for people with diabetes. The gel like substance it forms when ingested is very effective in slowing down the process of breakdown and absorption of glucose into the body, thereby helping in better control of your diabetes.
Tip: Have isabgol after every meal, ideally with milk or water. Avoid having it with curd as it can lead to constipation.
A one stop remedy for anal fissures and piles
Since the fibres present in isabgol are both insoluble and soluble in nature, isabgol is great for those suffering from painful conditions like anal fissures and piles. Not only does it help clear their bowels effectively, it also softens their stools by absorbing water from the surrounding parts of the intestine – making the passage of stool smooth and pain free. Moreover, due to its innate nature to help in easy defecation, isabgol also helps aid the healing of fissures, as it protects the anus from stretching too much while the person passes motion and prevents the rupture of healing wounds.
Tip: Drink isabgol mixed in warm water every night or right before you go to bed. This will help regualrise and soften your stools.
No more acidity
Acidity is a problem that most people suffer from and isabgol is the best natural remedy for the condition. How it works is the husk coats the stomach lining with a protective layer and in turn protects it from the burn of acidity. Moreover, since it helps in proper digestion and secretion of stomach acids, isabgol also reduces the number of acidity episodes one might suffer from.
Tip: Have two spoons of isabgol mixed in half a glass of cold milk after your meals. It will help nullify excessive acid production and stop the occurrence of acidity.
Tips to buy isabgol:
Commonly found in any supermarket or general store, isabgol is very easy to come by. The best way to buy it is pre-packaged. Avoid lose isabgol as it may contain impurities and adulterants that might not give you the best results. Also, while buying opt for plain non-flavoured forms of isabgol. These are more natural and work better on your stomach. Commonly sold dieter’s isabgol is nothing more than plain isabgol mixed with artificial flavour and colour — both of which are extremely bad for health.