It’s no secret that St. Patrick’s Day is a beer lover’s favorite holiday. What might be a secret is that beer actually has some health benefits. That’s not to say that if drinking one beer is good, drinking a whole 12-pack is better.
Keep in mind that old saying “everything in moderation.” If you don’t, then drinking too much will have the opposite effect on your heart, your liver, your bones, and completely erase any benefits you might gain.
So what is considered a moderate amount of beer? Experts say that for men it’s two, 12-ounce beers a day; for women one, 12-ounce beer a day.
So as long as you don’t over-imbibe, here are some ways that beer is actually good for you.
Beer contains natural antioxidants and vitamins, and dark beers, that go through very a high temperature roasting process contain more of these than lighter brews. And, if you drink a dark beer that contains fruits with even more antioxidants in them, you can boost this benefit even more.
Beer is a great way to keep hydrated since it is over 90 percent water. And, a recent study from Finland indicates that beer can help prevent kidney stones. This is likely due to beer’s high water content and ability to prevent dehydration. There is also evidence that the hops in beer may prevent kidney stones by slowing bone’s release of calcium, a main contributor to kidney stones.
The soluble fiber in beer can help lower the risk of heart disease. Like other fiber-rich foods like oats or barley, it can help lower the “bad” LDL cholesterol levels.
Beer can help strengthen your bones. Beer is rich in the element silicon, which has been linked to better bone density.
Micro brews also provide you with more health benefits because they typically contain more hops than other beers. There are polyphenols in hops, which help kill viruses, lower cholesterol and fight cancer.
Keep in mind that old saying “everything in moderation.” If you don’t, then drinking too much will have the opposite effect on your heart, your liver, your bones, and completely erase any benefits you might gain.
So what is considered a moderate amount of beer? Experts say that for men it’s two, 12-ounce beers a day; for women one, 12-ounce beer a day.
So as long as you don’t over-imbibe, here are some ways that beer is actually good for you.
Beer contains natural antioxidants and vitamins, and dark beers, that go through very a high temperature roasting process contain more of these than lighter brews. And, if you drink a dark beer that contains fruits with even more antioxidants in them, you can boost this benefit even more.
Beer is a great way to keep hydrated since it is over 90 percent water. And, a recent study from Finland indicates that beer can help prevent kidney stones. This is likely due to beer’s high water content and ability to prevent dehydration. There is also evidence that the hops in beer may prevent kidney stones by slowing bone’s release of calcium, a main contributor to kidney stones.
The soluble fiber in beer can help lower the risk of heart disease. Like other fiber-rich foods like oats or barley, it can help lower the “bad” LDL cholesterol levels.
Beer can help strengthen your bones. Beer is rich in the element silicon, which has been linked to better bone density.
Micro brews also provide you with more health benefits because they typically contain more hops than other beers. There are polyphenols in hops, which help kill viruses, lower cholesterol and fight cancer.