The U.S. government has wasted billions of dollars to develop electric cars to replace gasoline and diesel vehicles on the premise that they are “cleaner” for the environment. We have also been told that they are far cheaper to operate. However, new information reveals that the “green” cars may not be so “green” after all.
Newsmax reports:
Driving an electric car might not be as good for the environment as once thought, according to a report.A segment on Canada’s CBC Radio show “The Current” takes a closer look at the use of electric cars and their actual impact on the earth.Citing programs that offer incentives to anyone who wants to ditch a gas-powered car for an electric one in Canada, the report says that if everyone switched to the “greener” electric cars, the overall emissions might not be any less than what they are now.
Wait a minute – aren’t electric cars supposed to be free from harmful pollutants? That may be true in one sense if the source of the electricity needed to charge the car’s battery isn’t taken into consideration.
Newsmax explains further:
The disconnect lies where the power that fuels electric cars comes from. Electric charging stations are not always green themselves, according to the report, depending on which part of Canada they’re in.
The greater the demand for electric cars, the greater the demand on electric power generating stations; many of which burn coal, oil, and gas to produce electricity.
And, there is another factor the environmentalists aren’t taking into consideration when promoting the electric car as a solution to air pollution as Newsmax reveals:
“While the CO2 and other gas exhaust is about even between that of a power plant or the gas driven car, the overall heat getting wasted in the air is almost twice as high for the electric driven car than for the fuel powered vehicle,” Baumann writes. “Remember — any energy not used mechanically, automatically converts into heat going into the atmosphere.
How ironic! Electric cars may actually be contributing to any “global warming” that may be happening. Hmmm . . . so if the polar ice caps are melting (which they aren’t, by the way – the ice is thicker than ever), then it is the fault of the electric cars generating greater heat than gasoline engines.
But, there is also another myth surrounding electric cars which has been exposed as Newsmax tells it:
“Even the claim by our government, that electric cars are cheaper to operate than gasoline driven ones, is flawed. Using the overly optimistic assumption that gas and electric versions are equally efficient, then we have to assume that the fuel for the electric car is equal to 1 gallon of gasoline, that is 31,641 Kcal. (Kilocalories) worth of energy.“These Kilocalories convert to 34 Kw/h of electricity. Taken the U.S. average price of $0.1258 per Kw/h (it will cost $17.5 in New England), it will cost the average consumer $4.27 to fill up his battery. Compare that to only $3 or less for one gallon of gasoline.”