Olive oil is a product known for its benefits. You can rarely find a recipe that doesn’t suggest applying olive oil instead of all other types of oils. However, people are often unaware of the benefits of the fruit itself. There are many reasons why you should make olives part of your everyday diet.
1. Weight Loss
Olives contain monounsaturated fat. This type of fat is perfect replacement for saturated fat because it is healthier and it promotes weight loss. Olive oil triggers fat burning within fat cells, so you can easily get rid of the abdominal fat and reduce insulin resistance. People that regularly consume olives tend to decrease the amount of calories they bring in their body and they usually don’t have any problems with extra pounds. Many scientific studies have confirmed that these people have a higher level of serotonin in their body. Serotonin is a satiety-related hormone. Even the aroma of olives may cause a feeling of satiety which can lead to reduced calorie intake (by almost 200 per day).
2. Cardiovascular system benefits
When so-called free radicals oxidize cholesterol several things happen in the body. The blood vessels are damaged, the fat is building up in the arteries and all these things can result in a heart attack. Antioxidant nutrients in black olives prevent oxidation of cholesterol and help in the prevention of coronary heart diseases. Olives contain healthy monounsaturated fats that are known for their ability to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and increase good cholesterol. Latest researches have shown that monounsaturated fats found in olives and olive oil can help reduce high blood pressure. This is possible thanks to the specific properties of oleic acid found in olives.
3. Pain relief
Olives, or antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients found in olives to be more precise, act as a natural ibuprofen. Their oil contains oleocanthal a substance with proven anti-inflammatory properties that is very similar to the properties of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is good to point out that around 50 grams or 3 ½ tablespoons of virgin olive oil contains an amount of oleocanthal with anti-inflammatory properties similar to ten doses of ibuprofen for adults. This is a proof about olive’s strong healing properties.
4. Protection against cancer
As we have mentioned before, olives have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and this makes them a natural protector against cancer because chronic inflammation and oxidative stress can be the main reasons for development of cancer. Olives can prevent the dangerous combination of chronic inflammation and chronic oxidative stress thanks to its ability to provide the body with rich supplies of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients. Black olives are a well known source of vitamin E, which neutralizes free radicals in fatty tissue fast. Vitamin E can improve the cellular processes especially when it is combined with stable monounsaturated fats which are found in olives. Free radicals can interfere with processes like mitochondrial energy production and they can lead to oxidation, damage to cellular mitochondria and the production of insufficient amount of energy needed by the body. If the DNA cell is damaged then we can expect mutation and occurrence of cancer. Many experts have confirmed that a diet supplemented with olive and olive oils leads to reduced risk of colon cancer occurrence.
5. Allergies
Even people suffering from allergies can find olives very helpful because of their strong anti-inflammatory properties. Olive extract acts as a antihistamine at a cellular level. They can help by blocking the histamine receptors which results in reduced allergic reactions. That’s why you should practice olives as anti-allergic food. They can also increase the blood flow and help alleviate the effects of many diseases like asthma for example.
6. Healthy hair and skin
Black olives are also rich in fatty acids and antioxidants – components that moisturize, nourish and protect the skin. Vitamin E found in olives protects the skin from the dangerous UV radiation which means that we are getting protection from premature aging and occurrence of skin cancer too. It is very beneficial to apply olive oil after showering, but you should not use it as a sunscreen because you can end up with burns. If you are looking for a healthier hair mix olive oil and one egg yolk and apply the mixture on your hair. After 5 minutes wash the hair and you will notice the first results immediately.
7. Eyes
Only one cup of olive oils contains 10 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin A. This vitamin is crucial for healthy eyes and provides improved night vision. It also acts against, macular degeneration, cataracts glaucoma and other ocular diseases related to the inevitable process of aging.
8. Increased levels of glutathione
Many studies have confirmed the link between increased levels of glutathione in the blood with olive consumption. Glutathione is one of the most valuable antioxidants in the nature. Lower levels of glutathione in the blood can result in high blood pressure, high percentage of body fat and overall poorer health condition. On the other hand, higher levels are linked with better health and prevention of cancer.
9. Olives as source of iron
Every type of olives, especially black olives, is rich in iron. The ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body in the proper way is dependent on the presence of iron in the blood. If you are suffering from iron deficiency, your tissue won’t receive enough oxygen and you will soon start to feel weakness and coldness. Iron is essential for the process of production of energy in our body. Furthermore, the proper functioning of many enzymes and the immune system depends on the sufficient amount of iron found in our body.