The photos were captured by photographer Tim Vollmer from Iceland who was trekking up the Chadar with his friends when he spotted the weather-beaten family.
A different world: As there is no doctor or hospital facility in the village where the family live, they were forced to travel on foot down river Chadar, at an altitude of 11,123ft, for nine days - and then make the same journey back when the baby was born
Latest addition: The newborn baby is wrapped up warm for the nine-day journey back to their home town in Ladakh, Northern India
Long journey: Another member of the family carries the newborn's older sibling as they make their way up the frozen river, walking for eight hours a day
No other option: The family had to bring food, blankets and other provisions on their backs or on sleds and camped out in caves at night before continuing their gruelling walk in the morning
Tough trek: The family were sometimes forced to wade through icy water and snow after the cold weather blocked the roads from Ladakh to the hospital in Lingshed
Keeping warm: A cave in the mountainside serves as shelter for the night as the family gathers around a fire in the freezing cold night
As one: Family members brought larger sleds to be able to provide some relief for the mother as she recovers from giving birth
Travelling from Leh, the capital of Ladakh to Lingshed, where the hospital is takes around five days in the summer, but during the winder, snow closes the roads and mountain passes and the frozen river is the only way out

Latest addition: The newborn baby is wrapped up warm for the nine-day journey back to their home town in Ladakh, Northern India
Long journey: Another member of the family carries the newborn's older sibling as they make their way up the frozen river, walking for eight hours a day
No other option: The family had to bring food, blankets and other provisions on their backs or on sleds and camped out in caves at night before continuing their gruelling walk in the morning
Tough trek: The family were sometimes forced to wade through icy water and snow after the cold weather blocked the roads from Ladakh to the hospital in Lingshed
Keeping warm: A cave in the mountainside serves as shelter for the night as the family gathers around a fire in the freezing cold night
As one: Family members brought larger sleds to be able to provide some relief for the mother as she recovers from giving birth
Travelling from Leh, the capital of Ladakh to Lingshed, where the hospital is takes around five days in the summer, but during the winder, snow closes the roads and mountain passes and the frozen river is the only way out