This story is absolutely heartbreaking. In January, 2013, a girl named Amanda, also known as a Twitter user @TrappedAtMyDesk found out that she had brain cancer. She was updating her Twitter until her death.
She had brain cancer. She updated her Twitter with sincere and absolutely heartbreaking reactions.
She said she quit her job. She thought it was pointless to work for the last three months of her life.
The thoughts Amanda had during her last months on this earth were put on Twitter.
She traveled around the world, but had to go home when she started to get sick.
“Tomorrow, I go back into the hospital for the last time.” The sadness and finality in her tweets is heartbreaking.
In April, 2013, her brother James updated her account, letting people know Amanda had passed away.
“Be good to each other.” More people should follow Amanda’s wise advice.